Like Alice.
2003-06-24 - 3:54 a.m.

I didn't even know I was turning the corner until the landscape changed. From one street to another is a strange universe. A nineteen inch step and my world has become a different place.

A smile that once made muscles in my face react in reply now makes my stomach wrench with the knowledge that I will let you down. I cannot go along with this, as happy as I know it makes you.

It feels like the oxygen is quickly running out in the sealed space that I inhabit. I need a hand to hold mine and I know that neither of yours can do the job right now. Not without trying to hold me down.

This paving flag is a tiny island, surrounded by water. If I take a step back, foward or sideways, I drown. There are no cheat sheets or magical tricks. I have to sink or swim in this unfamiliar place.

before - after

All original and creative content herein is the property of Sara.
"Just The Girls" painting copyright Mark Ryden. Used with permission.
Design by Exactly Who I Am.
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